Far West Masters

Membership signups for new and renewing Far West Masters members will open in early October. Race signups will open by early November.
- To join Far West Masters, click on the Login or signup page to login or create your account here on Masters AdminSkiRacing, then use the Event Signup page to select the 2024-2025 Far West Masters membership purchase.
- to see season signups, visit the All Events page, select Far West Masters race series, and click Apply to view the list of signups (or use the link below to view the printable season schedule)
Account setup tips: you need to create an account here on our registration site. You'll need to take two steps: (1) create a login account to access the site and (2) create a racer profile with your personal information for membership and race signups.
Signup tips: Membership dues is a "pay-now" purchase - add to your Cart and use checkout to pay your dues. Race signups are a "pay-later" registration - just click to register, entry fees are charged when the race is held. Please be sure to review the Race Registration FAQ explanation of deadlines, charges, and cancellation policies that we follow:
Web site:
https://farwestmasters.org - schedule, news, information, and race results
Season Schedule:
Information contacts:
[email protected] - membership information and support
[email protected] - entries and race registration support
To subscribe to the Far West Masters newsletter send a subscription request to Deb Lewis ([email protected]) with your name and email address.
About Far West Masters
Far West Masters Ski Racing events are open to competitors 18 and older. The race schedule includes high quality competitions held throughout the Sierras from the beginning of December through April. New racers and masters from other divisions are welcome! Be sure to check the farwestmasters.org web site for detailed information and updates throughout the season.